15 Smart ‘Hacks’ For Forming Good Habits When You’re Busy

When thinking about your life goals, they may seem overwhelming or even impossible to achieve. But achieving any dream, no matter how lofty, begins with forming good habits. Over time, they will become lasting life changes that bring you closer to your goals.
15 Smart 'Hacks' For Forming Good Habits When You're Busy

Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be difficult to establish these habits. To help you, we asked the members of Forbes Coaches Council to share their favorite “hacks” for forming new good habits. Their best answers are below.

1. Be Accountable

One of the best habits you can form for goal achievement is accountability. That means holding yourself accountable and including others. Who are your trusted advisors and how you can involve them? Schedule regular check-ins and ask to be held accountable on a regular basis. Your goals will be achieved more regularly when you master accountability. – Dr. Teresa Ray, PCC, Dr. Teresa Ray

2. Keep Inching Forward

Forming new habits is intentionally creating changes to disrupt ourselves and as we can expect, changes are tough. One of my previous superiors taught me to keep moving every day and it’s one great hack. Make one change. If you can manage a big one, what about a small one? If you can move a meter, do that and if not, how about an inch? If that’s too much of a change, how about a millimeter? – Chuen Chuen Yeo, ACESENCE

3. Be Mindful With Your Time

Set each day and each week with a mindful intention. Decide how you will spend your time to achieve not only what’s important to get done, but also to accomplish what matters most to you. Post daily reminders and motivational quotes for yourself where you can see them throughout the day to help maintain the purposefulness and intent you set for yourself and to form good new habits that are sustainable. – Jacqueline Ashley, WorkLifeHealth.design

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