Executive Coaching at other locations in Switzerland
My locations for Executive Coaching in Zurich, Schaffhausen, St. Gallen and Basel offer you maximum flexibility. On request, I can also visit you personally at your company.
Cristian HOFMANN
Company headquarter
Fronwagplatz 8
8200 Schaffhausen
Tel.: +41 79 284 28 28
Other consulting locations for business coaching in Basel and St. Gallen.
Branch office Zürich (Seefeld)
Dufourstrasse 77
8008 Zürich
As Executive Coach and Consultant, I enable successful Top-Managers and Leadership-Teams to boost leadership esteem. As a sparring partner and influencer, I support top executives and leadership teams to be even more successful. With guaranteed proof of leadership effectiveness. The result: Maximum efficacy for you and in the corporate culture.
Please proceed to our exclusive online scheduling platform to arrange your personal zoom exchange, meeting, or executive coaching session.
Fronwagplatz 8 | 8200 Schaffhausen
Dufourstrasse 77 | 8008 Zürich
Fronwagplatz 8
8200 Schaffhausen
Dufourstrasse 77
8008 Zürich
+41 79 284 28 28 |
Further Executive Coaching Locations in Basel und St. Gallen
+41 79 284 28 28
Further Executive Coaching Locations in Basel und St. Gallen
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