Top Business Leader
Leadership success at the top level of an organisation requires maximum effectiveness and peak performance. What is required to unlock this potential? Leadership excellence and reputation as a top leader in daily business. Through your own standing and presence as a leader you can exert effective influence, and lead in a powerful and inspirational way.
In such a prominent position as yours, some issues are difficult to discuss openly but they need to be addressed if you want to maintain your current level of success or become even more successful. Together, we set the course for your long-term success and ensure that your results are aligned with your objectives – leadership clarity.
The external perception of direct stakeholders and relevant partners has a decisive effect on leadership. Marshall Goldsmith’s globally validated ‘Stakeholder Centered Coaching’ engages these development partners. Conscious awareness of leadership behaviours and effects increase as a result of their valuable feedback, which in turns contributes to optimum leadership development. This enables you to increase the quality of collaboration in a responsive manner. The results of the executive coaching process are thus measurable and highly effective. The outcome for you is guaranteed leadership effectiveness and sustainable success.
Career Management
Career Management
Fronwagplatz 8 | 8200 Schaffhausen
Dufourstrasse 77 | 8008 Zürich
Fronwagplatz 8
8200 Schaffhausen
Dufourstrasse 77
8008 Zürich
+41 79 284 28 28 |
Further Executive Coaching Locations in Basel und St. Gallen
+41 79 284 28 28
Further Executive Coaching Locations in Basel und St. Gallen
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