15 Ways To Growing A Business During Tough Times

How do you get through tough times with challenging life events that interrupt business growth? Read our experiences.
15 Ways To Growing A Business During Tough Times

Building a business isn’t easy even in the best of circumstances, and difficult life events add to that stress. Professional roadblocks, personal difficulties and external circumstances, such as the current pandemic and social climate, can seem to be obstacles standing in the way of your success.

Below, Forbes Coaches Council share their own stories of challenging life events interrupting as they grew their businesses. Read about how they weathered tough times and the specific things that helped them make it through.

1. Get Back To Your Center

First, I get back to the center. When we’re overwhelmed or exhausted, our brains seek relief, grasping at one idea and then another in a desperate attempt to “just do something.” But we can’t think if we can’t breathe. So I have a cup of tea on the back porch, gaze at the mountains, go for a walk or love on my dog. From there, I can gather my resources, revise my plans and try again. – Wendy Pitts Reeves, C2C Consulting, PLLC

2. Release Your Anger And Forgive

Being thrown under the bus and betrayed by colleagues you thought were your friends is painful. When that happens you have two choices: to forgive or not. Not forgiving results in anger and resentment and, in the long run, only hurts you. Forgiveness doesn’t mean that the relationship is repaired; it simply means that you release the anger and hurt so that you can move on with peace and clarity. – Maureen Orey, Workplace Learning & Performance Group

3. Know What You Were Called To Do

When challenging life events interrupted as I planned, launched, built and grew my business, the one, specific thing that helped me to make it past difficult times was knowing that I was called to do what I am doing. My calling had to exceed my passion. Passion can wane, but the call never dies. – Kashonna Holland, Simply Kashonna

4. Imagine Future Success 

Imagine yourself a year from now, having successfully managed the challenge: What did you specifically do to transform the challenge into an opportunity? How did you leverage what was within your control to grow the business? What parts were you not controlling that you did eventually control? Who was a source of help, and what help did they provide? What generated gratefulness and appreciation? – Valerio Pascotto, IGEOS

5. Have A Clear Vision And Purpose

Uncertainty and event-related changes are part of our lives. Sometimes they strike out of nowhere. When you have a clear vision and purpose, you will find ways to overcome the new obstacles. Business plans must always be adaptable to the respective situation and serve the vision. They are not set in stone, but the vision shines as a north star. – Michael Thiemann, Strategy-Lab™

6. Come Back To Your ‘Why’

Purpose is an incredible alarm clock. When I’ve had unexpected interruptions that diverted my plans or halted business endeavors, I always focused on my “why.” Having a clearly defined and solid purpose statement or mission statement can get you through very hard times and murky waters. – Dr. Melissa Weathersby, 5-Star Empowerment

7. Create Morning And Evening Routines

Having key morning and evening habits helps to stay on track because your mind and body take over, keeping you on course even when you don’t feel like it. An example of a morning routine: Practice mindfulness, learn something, work out and accomplish one thing. An evening routine could be: Empty email, clean up space and make a to-do list for the next day. This keeps you moving forward despite distractions and challenges. – Christy Geiger, Synergy Strategies Coaching & Training

8. Control What You Can Control

Whether times are great or times are making things extremely difficult, I’m always telling myself, “Control what you can control.” When you start to think about outcomes or outside forces in difficult times, you can get bogged down with stress caused by things that are beyond your control. Take action on the items you can control because that’s all that matters anyway. – Cory Swain, Advisors Excel

9. Acknowledge Your Feelings

Adjust your mental attitude and acknowledge your feelings. You may want to ignore painful feelings that the situation brings or pretend that these feelings do not exist. You should realize that suppressing such feelings leads to more negative feelings. It is better to accept your feelings and cope with them. Do not try to rationalize your feelings. You can only overcome them by allowing them. – Cristian Hofmann, Empowering Executives | SUPERGROUP LTD

10. Believe That This Is Happening For A Reason

Everything happens for a reason. Knowing this allows you to accept a situation as divine intervention. Reframing your thinking from not being able to proceed to proceeding at the right time will help refuel your motivation to pick up exactly where you need to, at the right time, in the right direction and with the right pace and resources to support you. – Sheila Carmichael, Transitions D2D, LLC

11. Stay Flexible And Support Your Employees

Flexibility is the key. The year 2020 has been a challenging year for most businesses. Those that have been flexible and adaptable have done better than those that have not. Preparing employees to be ready and willing to change can help them pivot when products, services, support and strategies need to shift. Keeping employees’ health and well-being front and center can help as well! – Susan Madsen, Jon M. Huntsman School of Business

12. Remember Your Long-Term Vision

Stay focused on your long-term vision for inspiration. I started my business before the recession in 2008. I developed a clear vision for my overall life and career, and remaining connected to it helped to motivate me and keep me going. Also, consider what the current challenging event could be teaching you. In my case, I learned how to grow my business and manage financials at a pace that worked for me. – Rosie Guagliardo, InnerBrilliance Coaching

13. Turn Your ‘Competitive’ Network Into A Support System

The support of my “competitive” network has gotten me through this difficult year. It may seem counterintuitive, but making connections with fellow coaches, many of whom compete in the same market I do, has been invaluable this year. Not only do we understand each other’s challenges, but we also willingly share solutions and ideas to help each other. There is enough for everyone. Support one another! – Cheryl Czach, Cheryl Czach Coaching and Consulting, LLC

14. Practice Gratitude

In 2008, I was laid off, and I started a nonprofit to raise funds for the global water crisis. Then, ironically, my home and community were destroyed by a disastrous flood in September of 2009. Many things helped me get through those strange times. The one I will mention here is the time I spent practicing gratitude and giving thanks. Although I lost all of my “things,” I realized that adversity can bring opportunities. – Denise Russo, SAP

15. Take Care Of Yourself

Practicing self-care during challenging times is essential. It is one thing to cling to the abstract hope that things will get better and that your difficulties are learning opportunities that will strengthen you for the future. While this is true, and hope is important, it is also important to find healthy coping mechanisms in the immediate here and now. Take time for yourself first. – Jonathan H. Westover, Utah Valley University & Human Capital Innovations, LLC

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