15 professional coaching trends of the previous year for 2023

In 2022, thanks to new technologies and changing industry standards, many new trends in professional coaching have emerged that will continue to be of interest in 2023.
15 professional coaching trends of the previous year for 2023

These exciting new developments came about as businesses explored alternative work models and the growing adoption of tools such as artificial intelligence and virtual reality. Now, they will help shape the coaching industry in the year ahead.

As industry leaders, Forbes Coaches Council members witnessed many new trends growing in 2022, and they believe some of these movements are here to stay in the new year and beyond. Below, 15 members share trends and patterns they witnessed over the past year that had—and will continue to have—a major impact in the professional coaching world. Members pictured from left to right.

1. Adapting To The Metaverse

The big conversation in professional coaching in 2023 will be, “How will coaching adapt to the metaverse?” Will using avatars of ourselves in a virtual world help us achieve deep thinking and creative solutions for the real world? Everyone from KFC to BMW uses the metaverse to relate to the next generation of consumers. Isn’t it time to see how coaches can utilize the metaverse to help clients?

2. Personal And Business Branding

Having a strong personal brand and business brand has been a huge trend in 2022. This is one strong factor when building a presence on social media. Through my coaching, I’ll be helping people with branding even more, as this is how you are going to stick out from the crowd of your industry. Developing your own point of view and brand is key to the success of your business.

3. Being Authentic

Authenticity is the key to being a successful coach. It’s an essential part of you, if you truly want to make a distinctive difference. It’s critical for building trust and respect. Discard all “tick the box” coaching tricks and bring your original best self to the coaching conversation. People love real people—your authentic self will inspire your coachee to mirror you and do similar things.

4. Preventing And Recovering From Burnout

Coaching that supports clients in preventing and recovering from burnout has been a growing trend in 2022. In 2023, I’ll continue to bring up well-being as part of my holistic approach to coaching clients. Given the silence that often exists around burnout, coaches can play an important role in burnout prevention and recovery by being proactive about raising the topic.

5. Promoting True Mindfulness Techniques

Many leaders have strived to incorporate mindfulness techniques into their coaching practices, but these methods lack an authentic form of mindfulness. In 2023, I aim to promote the true practice of introspection and how it allows a leader to make clear decisions in any situation. By practicing true mindfulness techniques, individuals can cultivate a greater state of mind, not just great habits.

6. Individualized Digital Executive Coaching

Digital executive coaching has been around for a few years now, and I predict that in 2023, this medium will continue to see strong growth. Along with that, there will be a shift away from more traditional leadership courses and training toward individualized development plans based on executive coaching.

7. Immersive Virtual Coaching

Coaching individuals and teams remotely was the biggest trend in coaching in 2022, which was initiated by companies finding new ways of working during the Covid-19 pandemic. Applying virtual reality in the metaverse will be something to explore to get some validated learning about this immersive interaction style. Chatbots with AI would be another opportunity to learn more about virtual coaching.

8. Linking Leadership Coaching To Journaling

Coaches engage with their clients on a very limited “time” basis. Often, important thoughts or realizations get lost in the noise of the hectic workweek. When the client keeps a daily leadership journal, it can be used to highlight deeper, more long-standing issues to resolve with their coach.

9. Teams Focusing On Culture And Engagement

In a year when organizations faced the “great resignation,” a return to the office and lots of uncertainty, one big trend in coaching was a focus on team culture and engagement. To leverage this trend in 2023, I’ll help teams build more trust by getting to know each other on a personal level, create opportunities to build connections and offer assessments to help teams work effectively with each other.

10. Assessing Psychometrics And Personality Styles

One big trend was the increased interest in psychometrics and personality styles. Moving to a hybrid working environment has changed how leaders communicate and collaborate with their teams. By having a deeper understanding of personality styles, leaders can adapt their approach to bring the best out in others. That’s why the Lumina Spark personality tool will be core to all our programs in 2023.

11. Leaders Evolving Through Change

The most important trend in executive coaching is likely to be a continued focus on helping leaders to develop coaching skills and behaviors needed to be effective in today’s rapidly changing business environment. Leaders can benefit from professional executive coaching to improve communication, collaboration and motivation within their teams and become more self-aware and effective leaders. – Cristian Hofmann, Empowering Executives | SUPERGROUP LTD

12. More Accessible And Holistic Coaching

There are two major positive trends I want to promote in 2023. First, professional coaching is being offered to all levels in organizations and not only top management. Second, coachees are more open to a holistic approach, raising all aspects of their lives with their coach. The first trend is key to every organization’s success, and the latter is crucial for professionals’ well-being, progress and performance.

13. Leaving A Legacy Before Retirement

Aging CEOs and top leadership are retiring or looking to retire. Many are wanting to leave a legacy of success and value in their organization, yet they face limited time to plan and execute to accomplish this. We are addressing this trend by offering timesaving virtual “value building” groups, flexible coaching and mastermind groups where CEOs address issues to prepare to retire well.

14. Team Coaching To Improve Execution And Relationships

Professional coaching is evolving in two ways—one way is team or group coaching, where a coach helps an individual in the context of a team that must improve in their execution and relationships. The second way is being more of a consultative coach to provide clients with new ways to prioritize, enhance accountability with peers and direct reports, and improve upward communication, presentations and report success.

15. Upskilling Remote Leaders As Coaches

Upskilling clients in coaching and leading in a remote or hybrid environment tops the list. 2022 was a continual year of uncertainty and the settling of new norms. Organizations and their people-leaders struggled with listening, providing feedback, change management and attrition driven by a shaky economy. Upskilling the necessary skills to thrive was a full-time job, and many rose to the occasion.

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