14 Essential Tactics For Coaches Running Peer-To-Peer Groups

Joining a peer-to-peer group can be a beneficial way for business professionals and leaders to learn from others and improve their own careers and businesses. Of course, every peer-to-peer group will have a distinct focus and different types of members, so the management of each one requires a customized approach to ensure everyone benefits. To reap the greatest reward, it helps if the facilitators of such groups are well-versed in how to run effective peer-to-peer discussions and activities.
14 Essential Tactics For Coaches Running Peer-To-Peer Groups

Professional coaches are often contracted to manage peer-to-peer groups that either operate within organizations or are open to members of varied companies and industries. There are some proven methods coaches should consider when facilitating a peer-to-peer group—below, 14 members of Forbes Coaches Council discuss some of the tactics they have learned from their experience.

1. Ensure Members Feel Safe To Be Authentic

For participants of a peer-to-peer group to gain the greatest benefit, every member must feel safe to be authentic and express their truth. Therefore, one of the most important tactics for the coach is to allow equal “air time” for each group member and to encourage them to respect one another’s views, even when they do not agree with them. This is best achieved by modeling this behavior. – Vered Kogan, Momentum Institute

2. Understand Each Member’s Behavioral Hardwiring

Understand the behavioral hardwiring of each person. The quicker you know how to best communicate, take action and make decisions with each person, the more they will respect you as their peer. This creates inclusion right from the beginning. – Shelley Smith, Premier Rapport

3. Focus On Building Accountability And Follow-Up

I find that building accountability and follow-up creates the greatest value for peer cohort participants. I use speed peer consulting to help cohort members jointly analyze and address unique challenges and then ask individuals to commit to taking specific action. In the next cohort session, we start by intentionally debriefing and reflecting on the commitments—what worked, what didn’t, and why. – Michael Couch, Michael Couch and Associates Inc.

4. Communicate Expectations From A Place Of Clarity

One of the best things a coach running a peer-to-peer group can do is to communicate from a place of clarity. This means sending emails out ahead of time and giving a reasonable amount of time to complete any expected prep work, time-blocking during meetings so that everyone knows their time is respected, and excellent follow-up by sending recaps and any valuable information that arose. – Heather Murphy, Authentically: Business & Life Solutions

5. Pay Attention To What Is Not Said

Although coaches are known for giving expert advice, listening is the most important tactic a coach must use in groups. You must pay just as much attention to what is not said as to what is said. Silence among group members can indicate a notion of uncertainty, misunderstanding or low confidence that could ultimately lead to dissatisfaction, poor results and the loss of members. – Jarret Patton, DoctorJarret PLLC

6. Don’t Allow Anyone To Slip Into ‘Coach Mode’

It depends on the objectives and makeup of the group. Assuming the peer group is made up of other coaches, the individual running the group needs to ensure they seek to understand and set clear ground rules that it’s not a coaching session. In other words, they don’t allow themselves or others to slip into “coach mode.” This will help support them in meeting their objectives. – Yvette Costa, Velocity Advisory Group

7. Establish Clear Peer-To-Peer Group Norms

Contract with the group to establish peer-to-peer group norms, including leveling the playing field for all participants. It is important that each participant feels they have the same membership status—including rights, responsibilities and opportunities—as part of establishing psychological safety for all to participate in a way that respects the essence of an inclusive peer-to-peer process. – Palena Neale, unabridged

8. Model Behaviors That Were Created By The Group

Modeling behaviors is key. Many peer-to-peer groups have ground rules, and yet we all tend to fall back into habits from time to time. As the coach, it becomes incumbent on you to live the behaviors that were created by the group to build the group’s capacity to enhance their skills and become self-sustaining. – Natalie McVeigh, EisnerAmper

9. Get Out Of The Way

As a coach/facilitator for a peer-to-peer group, it’s important to remember that it’s not about you. Leverage the knowledge in the room and encourage rich discussion by training participants to ask powerful questions, use active listening skills and follow best practices for giving and receiving feedback. – Julie Colbrese, Hot Coffee Coaching

10. Resist The Urge To Interrupt The Flow

We have to resist the urge to interrupt the flow of the collective genius of the group with our own thoughts that may not be essential. I use an acronym to check myself when I feel that surging urge to speak—WAIT, which stands for: “Why Am I Talking?” I also remind myself that I must “resist the urge when I feel the surge.” The combination of those two tactics ensures that I self-monitor. – Jeffrey Deckman, Capability Accelerators

11. Set The Stage

Create safety and respect for each person. It’s vital to have an environment where individuals are able to share safely and recognize that each person comes with their unique genius and expertise to contribute. The safety and respect required for the “we-leadership” model of peer-to-peer work fosters openness, connection, constructive contribution and collaboration to solve complex problems. – Lisa Marie Platske, Upside Thinking, Inc.

12. Get Into The Process

Reflect on the tactic that is currently used. Peer learning is not bound to any method. If the joint discussion reveals that a classic course or seminar is the right thing to do, then that is the next step. A mix of formal and informal events, on-the-job training, mentoring and coaching, or even self-learning with discussion of the results in the group usually proves most effective. – Cristian Hofmann, Empowering Executives | SUPERGROUP LTD

13. Never Allow Someone To Dominate

The moment peer-to-peer groups become dominated by one person (usually by a strong personality who acts like a know-it-all) is the moment trust is lost. Peer-to-peer groups require a special, carefully managed connection built on mutual respect and trust. No one should be bullying anyone into doing something, and that includes the coach. – Gregg Ward, The Center for Respectful Leadership

14. Pose The Same Question Differently To Each Member

In the role of being a moderating coach in a peer-to-peer group, it’s useful to pose the same question slightly differently to members of the group. It prevents them from giving formulaic answers and heightens the sense that the group needs to be present, be active and share from a slightly different perspective. This fuels and encourages breadth and, eventually, depth of thought. – Arthi Rabikrisson, Prerna Advisory

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