12 Goals For Coaching HR Teams To Excel At Change MA

The dynamics of human resources are all about transitions. From new hires to terminations, mergers and every companywide transition in between, the HR department plays a critical role in ensuring critical relationships remain intact and operations continue to run smoothly through every change made at their company.
12 Goals For Coaching HR Teams To Excel At Change MA

To boost an HR team’s confidence and agility in managing constant, often impactful organizational changes, there are a number of key end goals for a coaching engagement. Below, 12 members of Forbes Coaches Council discuss some of these goals and why they’re important

1. Understanding Current Processes And Developing Resilience

Effective tool sets, skill sets and mindsets are important to drive and survive change. This includes understanding current processes, the perception of change and the history of change. It’s important to have healthy mechanisms in place to cope with constant change while developing resilience to become change leaders who have the courage to not only embrace change but also to challenge it from a place of curiosity. – Manisha Dhawan, MPath Coaching

2. Promoting Self-Care And High Morale

First and foremost, the goal is to implement processes that promote self-care and high morale within the department. Managing constant change can quickly lead to burnout, which is costly. Connect the department to the “why” and be sure all members know the impact of their work. Finally, review processes to ensure there is flow, efficiency, effectiveness and promotion of high self-efficacy. – Natasha Charles, Intuitive Coaching w/ Natasha Charles

3. Understanding What Is Not Changing

To increase confidence and agility in times of transition and disruption, it’s important to know and understand what is not changing. A high-performing team understands its core purpose or function and its priorities. Using that knowledge as an anchor, it is easier to understand that any other changes, from reorganization to new technology, are not as overwhelming as they seem. – Larry Boyer, Success Rockets LLC

4. Getting Clarity On Shared Assumptions

Team confidence and agility in managing change come from alignment gained through a practice of having all the conversations needed to act in synchrony. A successful coaching engagement would help identify the missing conversations, get clarity for the team on shared assumptions, engage all team members in the team’s promise, gain and assess the reliability of commitments, and create accountability. – Christine Rose, Christine Rose Coaching & Consulting

5. Ensuring A Shared Vision And Purpose

Managing change requires everyone to have a shared vision and purpose. When everyone understands the “why” (the need for change), it ensures greater buy-in from and the full cooperation of the team members in doing what must get done. All change is hard, but having a dedicated team championing the change is a powerful driver in the change management process. – Rittu Sinha, The Balanced Bandwagon

6. Aligning Future Operations With Initial Objectives

Successful transitions are premised on ensuring that a clear vision, an aligned strategy and a structured framework are established. For the team to maintain confidence, it is imperative to ensure clear awareness and desire around the change and empower team members with the knowledge and tools to manage constant and impactful change. The end goal would be aligning the future state of operations with the initial objectives. – Stuart Andrews, SMA Consulting

7. Addressing Mindset Before Skills And Capabilities

In my agile leadership program, I address the mindset first, before skills and capabilities. Help the team unpack and make meaning of the change. Is it a threat or an opportunity? What does it take to unlearn and relearn? There’s a lot of making meaning of old work to make way for the new. Leaders need to spend twice the effort to strategically review the work they do and build a strong team. – Chuen Chuen Yeo, ACESENCE Agile Leadership Coaching and Training Pte. Ltd.

8. Ensure Access To The Senior Leadership Team

First, I would want to ensure that the senior vice president for HR is on the senior leadership team. It is difficult for HR to deliver value to the organization when they are not a strategic partner to the senior leadership. Second, I would want leadership within HR to ensure that the different functions in HR (benefits, payroll, talent management  and so forth) are not siloed and are working together for the organization. – Christine Allen, Insight Business Works

9. Motivate Positive Mindsets Around Change

One end goal in a fast-paced environment is to always couch new changes in the context of an overall organizational blueprint or strategic plan. The “why” of a change needs to make sense to those involved in  it. Another is to motivate mindsets around change to be positive as opposed to negative. This takes some training and inspiration, yet is incredibly effective when done right. – Natasha Ganem, Lion Leadership

10. Normalizing The Struggle Of Change

Change is constant and inevitable, and holding that awareness at all times with a growth mindset enables the HR team to have empathy and understanding when employees express concern about changes being made. No one likes change, as it often creates cognitive strain, slowing down a process they were familiar with prior to the change. Normalizing the struggle is crucial. – Melinda Fouts, Success Starts With You

11. Providing Needed Tools And Developing A Winning Attitude

In any coaching engagement that deals with managing constant change, my end goal will be twofold: Provide the needed tools and develop a winning attitude. Developing understanding and awareness of how we handle change based on our natural wiring is important to building confidence. Developing a winning attitude that shifts the focus to areas of change employees have control over boosts creativity and agility. – Lillit Cholakian, NewGen Global Leaders

12. Discovering What Can Be Developed Together

An optimal goal can only be defined by the HR team, and in this process, we can find out what might be favorable support for this concern. The goal is about discovering what can be developed together so that it can become a helpful, cooperative and goal-serving reality. Systematically strengthen the willingness to cooperate by mutually reinforcing positive cultural development. – Cristian Hofmann, Empowering Executives | SUPERGROUP LTD

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